Exitwise Weekly M&A Newsletter

June 2, 2023 Edition

In this week’s edition of the Exitwise M&A Newsletter:

  • CASHING OUT: For episode 37, Todd Sullivan hosts Adam Coffey, a PE-backed empire builder, CEO coach, Board Member, Educator, and the guy that literally wrote the playbook on how to properly structure a deal with private equity buyers...

    Whether you're a business owner, thinking about selling to PE, or just want to look a little deeper down the rabbit hole of M&A... check out episode 37 w/ Adam Coffey! You won't regret it...

  • EXITWISE SPOTLIGHT: Announcements, educational conversations and events highlighting fellow founders, M&A experts, and industry professionals


On this week’s episode of Cashing Out, Todd Sullivan speaks with Adam Coffey, a CEO, Board Member, Best-Selling Author (x2), and Acclaimed International Speaker.

Adam admits his career as a Private Equity backed operator has been a thrilling and highly lucrative journey. But today, he's more interested in sharing his knowledge with business owners on how to maximize their outcomes when selling their businesses.

In our discussion, Adam offers his advice in three areas where business owners can improve their outcomes when selling to private equity sponsors:

1) how to get smart about the sales process to private equity

2) how business owners can leverage private equity buyers to create generational wealth

3) how hiring experienced advisors at every stage of the exit process will yield your best results

Adam is a respected mentor to MBA candidates and a sought-after speaker at UCLA. He brings diverse expertise from commercial and industrial service businesses, alongside being a licensed general contractor, pilot, former GE executive, and US Army veteran.

Episode 37 Highlights:

(6:04) Where it all started for Adam - learning servant leadership in the US Army

(11:31) How should founders think about selling to a Private Equity firm?

(18:15) The value of having the right experts in your corner - would you go to your dentist to get brain surgery to save a few bucks?

(20:10) As a founder, how should you deal with inbound interest - what do you do when that phone call comes from an interested buyer?

(25:40) What is rollover equity, and getting a "second bite at the apple"?

(26:58) Adam Coffey's "law of 130" when looking to sell your company

(33:05) How being part of a private equity platform can get you an incremental arbitrage opportunity with your money?

(34:36) What is EBITDA multiple arbitrage in private equity?

(40:24) Leveling the playing field when selling your company

(45:08) Getting high-value, competitive intelligence from you Investment Banker


Upcoming Exitwise Events:


Moderated by: 

Matt Gurwin, Shareholder & Business Development - Doeren Mayhew

This event is intended for founders, entrepreneurs, and Executive leaders looking to enrich their knowledge of the M&A industry. Please reach out to Matt for more information and to secure your spot: [email protected] | (248) 705-6163


It Pays to Refer a Founder…

When you refer a business owner to Exitwise, we'll educate the owner on the full M&A process, timelines and fees. We'll then help each business owner decide if a sale of the business is the right next step.

If an exit is the best option, we'll help hire the top team of M&A experts to maximize the sale of each business.

Anyone who refers to a business owner to Exitwise will earn a commission on each completed transaction.