Exitwise Weekly M&A Newsletter

August 11, 2023 Edition

In this week’s edition of the Exitwise M&A Newsletter:

CASHING OUT: Check out Episode 47 of the Cashing Out podcast, featuring Sven Milder, an international entrepreneur that has built, bought, and sold businesses all over the world.

M&A EDUCATION: “The Ticking Clock of M&A: How Delays Can Kill The Sale of Your Business”

In this week’s article, we talk about the function of time in M&A, and why it is one of the most critical, and often overlooked aspects of deal-making.

Time Kills Deals…

The Most Common Causes of M&A Time Delays (And How To Fix Them):

To keep your sale process on schedule, it helps to know the areas that commonly slow down the transaction so that you can work to correct address them before they occur. Here are the top four time-related areas that may put your deal at risk (and what you can do to fix each of them):

  1. Time Risk #1: Lack Of Preparation

    If you wait to get your house in order until it's time to sell the company, it's too late. It's no different than selling your house, if you are scrambling to address leaks in your roof, patch holes in the drywall, and replace carpeting until the day of your open house, there are bound to be issues and delays that put your sale at risk.

  2. Time Risk #2: Not Having The Right People On Your M&A Team

    Expertise in M&A matters. Whether it's your first time selling a company or your tenth, running a sale process yourself or with an internal team will slow you down and increase the risk of failure. It can be tempting to tackle M&A on your own in an effort to save money, but even with transaction experience under your belt there are common speed bumps than many founders don't understand until it's too late

  3. Time Risk #3: Not Knowing Your Exit "Why"

    Many founders tell us that they realize their greatest professional achievement on the day they sell their business... and subsequently experience the worst day of their life shortly after. This internal conflict, and the perception of lost identity is one of the biggest wildcards of any M&A process.

  4. Time Risk #4: Not Understanding What Your Business Is Worth

    Without a clear view of what your company is worth (financially and strategically), it will take longer for you to build internal consensus and conviction around any sale and deal structure with your team and investors. The resulting delays will send the wrong message to buyers, and increase failure risk.


Listing to Episode 47 of the Cashing Out Podcast with Sven Miler

Check out this week’s conversation between Todd and Sven Milder, a serial entrepreneur who has built, purchased and sold multiple companies throughout Europe and Southeast Asia.

Sven understands how to raise capital, how to leverage low cost workforces, and how to use technology to improve efficiencies and profitability in any business he's involved in. Sven shares how he thinks about fundraising for startups, why he's now buying profitable companies as platforms for growth, and using technology to support his M&A endeavors.

Sven's Experience:

Over the last decade Sven has helped 300+ Founders Raise US$140M+ in capital and supported US130M+ in acquisitions. In that same time he's launched, grew, scaled & exited 2ventures.

Sven's Expertise:

Sven is an expert in funding, acquisitions and company turn arounds for scalable businesses under 90 days. By delivering you fast track growth, he is able to make an impact in your and his world.

We hope you enjoy the conversation with Sven Milder!


Exitwise Referral Program

Building a successful business from the ground up is an extraordinary feat, and at Exitwise, we understand the immense dedication and effort it takes.

And when it comes to selling a business, the complexities can multiply, making it an even more daunting task. That's where Exitwise steps in – to offer our expertise and guidance to you or someone in your professional network.

We are excited to announce our Founder Referral Program as we continue to build out our mission for supporting the entrepreneurial community… and we’d be happy to talk to you about how we can help.

If you missed last week’s M&A Roundtable event, would like more information on referring a potential client, or would like to know when we’re meeting next please reach out to Matt Damman ([email protected]) to receive meeting invitation details and further information about the event.